
Sense of Accountability before God Alone can Save the Society from Moral Lapses

1 Dec 2013 logo0 comments Share |      

The charges of ‘sexual assault and rape’ levelled by a woman journalist of Tehelka against the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Tarun Tejpal have created uproar in our crime-ridden society. The crime allegedly took place twice on 7 and 8 November, in Goa where the Tehelka ThinkFest was held on 8 and 9 November.

As the Goa police started taking action on the allegations, Tejpal tendered his resignation from editorship of the magazine and wrote a letter to the woman concerned, tendering an “unconditional” apology for “the shameful lapse of judgement”. Shoma Chaudhury, Managing Editor of the magazine, informed the readers that “Tehelka has now constituted a formal complaints committee, in accordance to Vishaka guidelines, to be presided over by Urvashi Butalia, eminent feminist and publisher, to investigate the matter”.

In our society, sometimes we see a criminal being acquitted or an innocent person being convicted. So here in this world the judgement may or may not be in accord with the ground reality. As in this case, the matter is still sub-judice, it is difficult to conclude that the charges are genuine or Tejpal has been ‘more sinned than against sinning’. But one thing is clear that in a free society, where men and women walk and work together without any sense of segregation, there is every possibility of such crimes taking place or at least of such charges being levelled. When we the Muslims demand separate arrangements for boys and girls in educational and other public institutions like hospitals, the so-called civilized and enlightened persons dub us ‘backward’, ‘conservative’, ‘fundamentalist’, ones ‘living in Stone Age’, et al. But a close study of the society reveals that the society can be a better place to live in if such arrangements are made and the Islamic system of purdah is implemented and followed in letter and spirit. This is so because Islam is the final religion perfected by God the Creator and Sustainer Himself and thus it is the only system of life that ensures a morally healthy society by forbidding free mixing of young men and women.

Another important aspect worth mentioning here is the sense of accountability before God. It is this strong belief in the Day of Resurrection when each and every person who lived on earth at any point of time will be awakened and made to stand before God the Almighty to give the account of his or her deeds, good or bad, that serves as an inbuilt mechanism in the life of a Muslim that keeps him or her from going astray or to cite Tejpal from “the shameful lapse of judgement”. Our social scientists need to study with open mind these two aspects in order to ensure a morally healthy society.


Seerat-un-Nabi (S.A.W) Conference
UKIM Bilal Mosque & UKIM Ibrahim Mosque London organized a Seerat-un-Nabi (S.A.W) Conference on Feb 16, 2013, which was attended by over Five hundred people from all walks of life. Ulemas were invited from Cross- Masalik. The Conference was presided over by Dr Shoaib Hassan Sahab. The Conference was held at UKIM Bilal Mosque East London.
While enlightening different aspects of Seerat-un-Nabi (S.A.W), The Guest Speakers said that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has given clear instructions for all walks of life but it is sad to say that we have ignored them and expelled the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) from our lives, therefore we are facing problems in each and every matter of life. They said that it is the demand of Uswa-e-Hasanah that we stay away from sectarianism, discrimination and prejudice because these are the main hurdle in our progress and prosperity. It is the need of hour that we follow the teachings of Quran and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in every walk of life because it is the only way of salvation and success, Seerat-e-Nabwi (P.B.U.H) demands that we all should pray according to the manners of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) taught the lesson of love, familiarity and unity to the humanity.
While Speaking to audience, Dr. Shoaib Hassan said, Muslims wherever they may be, and whatever predicament they may be facing must work to please Allah (swt). He created mankind for only one objective and that was to worship Him and follow his commands. Muslims who understand this become true Muslim believers and will be assured success in this life and in the hereafter. Dawa is an obligation and duty that Muslims must perform within society. You will be highly rewarded by Allah (swt) if you spread His Deen on His earth. He also said that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was an ideal teacher and it is the duty of teachers of modern institutes and Deeni Madaris to follow the teachings and action of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in this respect.

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                                          * * * * * *

Islam: Meaning and Concept

What is Islam?
Islam: Continuity of Divine Message
The Five Pillars of Islam
The Shahada (Declaration of the Islamic Faith)
Important Note
Meaning of Islam, Iman and Ihsan


What is Islam?

The word Islam is an Arabic word meaning peace, submission and obedience. In the religious context the word Islam means total submission to the Will of Allah and obedience to His Law. The connection between the original and the religious meanings of the word is strong and obvious. Only through submission to the will of Allah and by obedience to His Law can peace be achieved.To read more click:

Dua for Ramadan karim P.1

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 Increase attachment with Allah "

 To read  the  complete Article :

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                                       How Muslims Treat the Qur'an

            ( This is an extract from book " let us be muslim " by moulana Abul Aala Moududi R A )
Brothers in Islam! Muslims are the only people in the world today fortunate enough to possess the word of God preserved in its original form, free from all distortions, and precisely in the wording in which it was sent down upon the Prophet, blessings and peace be on him. Paradoxically, these same Muslims suffer the misfortune of being denied the countless blessings and benefits which the word of God must give to those who believe in it.
  To read  the  complete Article :
 Click:  treat-quran.html

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  Meaning, Blessing and True Spirit of the Fasting

    (An Extract from "Let us be Muslim"  by Moulana Syed Abul Ala Moududi RA )

 Meaning and Blessings Of the Fasting :
 Brothers in Islam! The second act of worship     that Allah enjoins upon you is Sawm or the       Fasting. It means abstaining from dawn to        sunset from eating, drinking and sex. Like the   Prayer, this act of worship has been part of the Shari'ahs given by all the Prophets.                    

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 Why is Zakah so crucially important

An extract from book " Let us be Muslim "  by Moulana Syed Abul Ala Moududi  R A                                                     
                            Meaning of Zakah :

Brothers in Islam! It is abundantly clear that Zakah, the Almsgiving, is no less important than performing Salah, the Prayer. Indeed those who refuse to pay Zakah fall outside the pale of Islam; against them even Jihad may be waged as did the Companions. But why is Zakah so crucially important? What is its true meaning? To these questions I shall address myself now.  

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   Zakah, a Social Institution

  This is an extract from book " Let us be Muslim " by moulana Abul Ala Moududi  ( R A )          

  Allah's Unique Beneficence :

Brothers in Islam! Infaq fi Sabili 'llah (spending in the way of God) is the phrase frequently used in the Qur'an to denote Zakah, and other acts of charity (sadaqat). Very often Allah invites us to 'give Him a loan', that is whatever we spend in His cause He will treat as a loan which He will return with huge growth in our original investment.
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    True Meaning of 'Ibadah
( This is an extract from book " Let us be muslim "  by moulana Abul Aala moududi R A)      

Brother in Islam! There is an important word which we Muslims use a lot but understand little. The word is 'Ibadah. It is very important that we understand its true meaning and significance.
The sole purpose of our creation, the end of our lives, Allah says. Is to worship and serve Him alone.
And I have not created jinn and mankind except to worship and serve Me (al-Dhariyat 51:56).

This establish beyond doubt that you must be fully aware of the meaning of Ibadah.

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 Salah, or the Prayer prepares us to obey Allah in our entire lives
( This is an extract from book " let us be muslim "  by moulana Abul Aala Moududi R A )                       
Meaning and Blessings Of the Prayer :

Brothers in Islam! The basic and most important act of worship among those which Allah has taught us to perform Salah, or the Prayer. It prepares us to worship Him in our entire lives - the purpose for which He has created us. Consider carefully why it is so important, what is its true meaning and significance.

Remembering God :

The Prayer is an act of worship. We should, therefore, first recollect what worship means.Worship means revering, serving and obeying God in our whole lives. Being born as God's servants, we can not give up serving Him at any time or under any circumstances and still remain His servant as God wanted us to be when He created us.

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